Dive into Elegance with Watercrafters - Your Pool, Our Passion.

Are these new variable speed pumps and motors REALLY that energy efficient?

Except for your HVAC system, your pool pump is the largest energy consumer in your home. Once we reviewed the actual numbers, we were astounded to see how much money somebody could save by upgrading to a new variable speed pump.

For example: A traditional 1hp pump running 12 hours a day costs about $92 a month. If you are running it 24 hours a day, it can cost almost $200 a month!! And the larger the pump, the more energy it uses. But our Intelliflo VSF and SuperFlo VS pumps use a new variable-speed permanent magnetic-drive technology that is designed to run efficiently. In fact, a properly programmed variable-speed pump on a typical 25,000-gallon pool would only cost about $7.50 per month to run!! So, over the course of a 5-month swimming season, you could save over $400!

Let us show you the math. Come by our store and ask for a demonstration and mini-energy audit form.